Safety is an essential part of aviation. Both in business aviation and in general aviation, i.e. sport aviation.


Safety is the effort to identify the existing risks, to assess them and to take the appropriate measures to avoid negative impacts.

Especially in sport aviation and recreational flying, our club officers and volunteer flight instructors bear a lot of responsibility.

We train young people and enable them to hold a licence as independent pilots at the age of just under 16. We make it possible for colleagues in the clubs to get in the air and take part in flight operations and, as officials, we are often the only ones who can judge whether older members do not have sufficient perception in every situation.

All this obliges us to take the topic of safety first and apply it to the highest possible standard in the clubs and on the sports airfields.

Therefore, the EGU offers here a pool of lectures, studies and facts on this topic. That is why we are creating a collection of links to relevant websites and online information on the subject here.

Gliding, like almost all sports and leisure activities, has a residual risk – being aware of this potential is the first step towards accident prevention – a responsibility that the European Gliding Union also takes on with this collection.

We need to learn from the mistakes of ourselves and others to increase safety in our sport

All inputs and information on safety are important and welcome, so please send us any helpful information that is missing from our collection so far. Please use the following adress: