EGU Newsletter 2021 – 2

The latest Newsletter has been released. Take the opportunity to learn more about the work of EGU and the results of the latest General Conference which took place virtually via World Wide Web.

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EGU Newsletter 2021 – 1

The latest Newsletter has been released. Take the opportunity to learn more about the work of EGU and the results of the latest General Conference which took place virtually via World Wide Web.

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New EGU Member: Italy

Italy is now the 21st Full Member of EGU – Aeroclub d´Italy joined to EGU on 22nd February 2021 which was confirmed by the EGU Congress 2021 held 27th February 2021. There were 19 Full Members and and Associate Member the VGC present at the virtual meeting welcoming Italian gliding community back to European Gliding Union.

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